EFF Gauteng chairperson Nkululeko Dunga says the province will be under new leadership.

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) says it is poised to win Gauteng and unseat the African National Congress (ANC) come the May general elections.

Party supporters gathered in numbers at the Dobsonville stadium in Soweto for its provincial manifesto launch addressed by party leader Julius Malema.

Saturday’s launch was themed “land and jobs now, stop load shedding”, with the red berets indicating they have declared war against the governing ANC.

Supporters draped in EFF regalia occupied stadium seats. Chanting, they screamed “EFF forever” and “vote EFF” across the stadium.

Some held placards that read “2024 is our 1994 we are taking over SA”.

‘We’re taking Gauteng’

Speaking to The Citizen, provincial chairperson Nkululeko Dunga said “come the May 29 elections, Gauteng will be under different leadership”.

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The red berets obtained 634,000 votes in Gauteng in the last national elections in 2019.

“It is the EFF that will change things. It is the EFF that will create jobs and it is the EFF that will stop load shedding,” Dunga said.

He added that the EFF enters elections knowing that it started from nothing.

“We also go in knowing very well that we are going to be victorious with a decisive victory.

“So, we are not looking for anything below 50%, we have done fairly well in terms of outlining our election machinery and reinforcing it.”

With the introduction of party heavyweights such as convener of elections Mbuyiseni Ndlozi and co-ordinator Leigh-Ann Mathys, EFF’s work in Gauteng is bearing fruits, he added.

While the ANC reiterated that it will retain Gauteng, many see a coalition government after the elections.

Dunga said coalitions will be re-looked into by party leaders.

“At this point, we’re not obsessed with that.

“We’re obsessed with actually having a decisive victory and winning over 50%, which would mean that we won’t require a coalition or engaging other parties.”

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The re-industrialisation of Gauteng and land expropriation without compensation are some of the views that would dictate what constitutes an EFF provincial government, said Dunga.

EFF is ‘here to stay’

EFF supporter and Soweto resident Thabo Nkosi said he was excited to attend the manifesto launch, saying it showed that the EFF could win Gauteng.

“We are not worried. We have come out and painted Soweto red to show that we support EFF and will win Gauteng.

“The EFF is here to stay. It is a party that cares about our needs and plans to change many things,” Nkosi said.

‘Better life under the EFF’

Delivering the keynote address, Malema said the EFF has come together under a clarion call for “land and jobs now” and the “stopping load shedding.”

Malema said people knew that their lives were going to change for the better if they vote EFF.

“We are the only people gathered here with domestic workers, security guards, bus drivers, taxi drivers and others called gardeners. They are part of this festival of the poor.

“We are here in Gauteng, the home of the Sharpeville Massacre. We are here in Gauteng, the home of
June 16.”

Malema said the party would take back the country from “a family called the Oppenheimers” whom he claimed were paying millions to buy South Africa.

“Let us unite black people to fight against the Oppenheimer money. Let us not be bought by
the Oppenheimers.” he said.

NOW READ: Malema says Ndlozi is perfect, but lacks one ‘important’ feature


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