According to the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) of 2021, statistics show that 81% of Grade 4 learners tested in South Africa cannot read for meaning in any of the 11 official languages, and could not answer straight forward comprehension questions. This is an increase from the previous 78% from 2016.

In South Africa, there is ongoing concern about the poor reading ability of school-going children, especially those battling with socio-economic issues, such as poverty and hunger.

When children are hungry, they typically have less energy and the ability to focus.  In the midst of this crisis, Ladles of Love is working to fill the tummies of hungry children, while making them fall in love with books again this February.

The Love Books campaign aims to couple feeding with reading by raising funds to ensure that 5 185 little children in 47 Early Childhood Development Centres situated in the Western Cape, Northern Cape, and Gauteng have access to food and books in 2024.

Providing two healthy meals a day to malnourished little children living in impoverished communities, while providing them with reading material will take care of important fundamentals a child needs to grow, develop and be the best they can be.

“Everyone of us has a desire for our children to see the world, to be exposed to things they’ve never seen before and be wowed by the magic of the universe; yet many of our children will never see beyond their community, except through the stories they’ll get to read, which will take them on journeys beyond what their minds can conceive, without taking a single step,” says Yolanda Jones, Ladles of Love Programme Director. “Therein lies the power of a book.”

“We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Ladles of Love for their unwavering support over the past years, nourishing both body and soul with their generous donations of food. Their ladles of love have not only filled our stomachs but also fuelled our mission to make a positive impact in the lives of those we serve at Kids Ministry Educare.

As we embark on a new chapter, we eagerly anticipate the invaluable contribution of Love Book campaign. Just as Ladles of Love has enriched our physical well-being, we believe that the knowledge and inspiration within these books will be a beacon of hope for the children in our care. The power of education and the warmth of love, combined, will undoubtedly create a brighter future for the young minds we nurture”, shares Bulelwa Vangqa, Principal, Kids Ministry Educare.

“Reading is fundamental for us as an organisation as it takes a child into a world of wonder”, explains Mymoena Scholtz, Director Where Rainbows Meet Training and Development Foundation.

Help us help our future leaders.  For every R250 donated to Love Books, we sponsor a child in need with two healthy meals a day and a book to read.  Many donors are choosing to make this a monthly contribution and ensure a child is feed for the year and has books to read.

This month, wear your heart on your sleeve, be a Love Activist and see how amazing you feel. Doing good for good with love, makes you feel good, and builds a solid foundation for our future leaders.

As a PBO, Ladles of Love is qualified to issue section 18A Tax certificates to all Individuals and companies contributing to this campaign.

For more information: Visit LadlesofLove.org.za or follow them on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

For media queries contact Candice Jansen for media queries on email candice@headsupcomm.co.za

Issued by:

Heads Up Communications

On behalf of Ladles of Love

Editor’s Notes:

Ladles of Love

Ladles of Love is a non-profit organisation which aims to provide meals to people living in abject poverty across the Cape Peninsula, Overstrand, Northern Cape and Gauteng. The project is the brainchild of Danny Diliberto, who started his first soup kitchen in 2014 serving hundreds of homeless people in Cape Town nutritious meals every week. During the Covid-pandemic the organisation grew exponentially, to be one of the largest non-profit providers of food relief in South Africa, serving impoverished communities via a network of 200 soup kitchens and ECD Centres.  Since March 2020 Ladles of Love has procured and provided food to serve over 42 million meals and continues to feed 25,000 people a day, mostly children relying solely on funding and donations.

ECD Centres supported by Ladles of Love nutrition programme:

Where Rainbows Meet

Where Rainbows Meet was registered as a Non-Profit Organization (NPO) in 2008. Since its inception, in recognition of the multiple disadvantages and challenges facing the Vrygrond community, Rainbows has expanded and diversified its work. From an initial emphasis on meeting the needs of disadvantaged children, we have broadened our focus to become a holistic community development organization, with the primary aim to achieve social, economic and health improvements within the community of Vrygrond and its surroundings.

Through the provision of a diverse range of services and events, Rainbows gives different groups within this community access to information, education and support, encouraging them to take responsibility for their own lives, the lives of their families and the overall situation in the community.

Kids Ministry

The establishment of our Educare Centre, based in Delft was inspired by a shared vision among a group of dedicated educators and passionate professionals. We recognized the significant role early childhood education plays in the formative years of a child’s development. Our aim was to create a nurturing environment that fosters holistic growth, academic excellence, and socio-emotional well- being in young children.

The post Help our children fall in love with books this February appeared first on The Home Of Great South African News.


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