In a heart-stopping turn of events, the Tongaat CBD became a scene of drama. A river overflowed, trapping two in a tree and another clinging to a wall. Flood waters rose rapidly, creating a perilous situation.

The unfolding crisis prompted an immediate response from emergency services, with IPSS Search and Rescue, Umhlali SAPS K9 Search and Rescue, and CERT KZN joining forces for a daring rescue operation.

ALSO READ: ‘You are cruising nicely’ – KZN man roams around flooded Ladysmith CBD with a canoe [watch]

Three individuals caught amidst surging waters

The urgency of the situation was underscored by the perilous circumstances of the three individuals caught amidst the surging waters.

With precision and coordinated effort, the rescue teams executed a heroic operation. Successfully extricating the stranded individuals from their life-threatening predicaments.

ALSO READ: KZN residents warned from building on flood lines

The person stranded in a tree, facing a perilous height and surrounded by turbulent waters, was brought to safety in a display of remarkable skill and bravery.

Upon thorough examination post-rescue, all three individuals were found to have miraculously escaped without serious injuries, a testament to the effectiveness of the joint rescue efforts.

ALSO READ: WATCH: Families evacuated in Ladysmith floods [VIDEO]

Importance of swift emergency response in the face of floods

The successful operation not only averted potential tragedy. It also highlighted the importance of swift and coordinated emergency response in the face of unforeseen natural disasters.

“Rescue teams will remain on standby until the flooding subsides,” said IPSS S&R.

ALSO READ: Roads closed and families evacuated in Ladysmith following floods



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